Let us have madness openly, O men
Of my generation. Let us follow
The footsteps of this slaughtered age:
See it trail across Time's dim land
Into the closed house of eternity
With the noise that dying has,
With the face that dead things wear--
nor ever say
Of my generation. Let us follow
The footsteps of this slaughtered age:
See it trail across Time's dim land
Into the closed house of eternity
With the noise that dying has,
With the face that dead things wear--
nor ever say
We wanted more; we looked to find
An open door, an utter deed of love,
Transforming day's evil darkness;
An open door, an utter deed of love,
Transforming day's evil darkness;
We found extended hell and fog
Upon the earth, and within the head
A rotting bog of lean huge graves.
A rotting bog of lean huge graves.
*** x ***
a Loucura Abertamente
Permita-nos a loucura
abertamente, Ó gente
Da minha geração. Deixe-nos
Os passos dessa era de carnificina:
Seu rastro cruzando a terra turva
do Tempo
Dentro da casa fechada da
Com o barulho que morrer tem,
Com a cara que as coisas mortas
usam –
e nunca
Queríamos mais;
procuramos achar
Uma porta aberta, uma
proeza de amor,
Transformar a escuridão
maligna do dia;
Ganhamos inferno prolongado
e névoa
Sobre a Terra, e, por dentro
das cabeças,
Um pântano podre com túmulos
*poema do livro Before
the Brave (1936), tradução Leonardo Marona.